Oh Valentine's Day, you have always been my favorite holiday. I enjoy the red and pink hues that are everywhere you go, and I adore the hearts and roses and balloons that crowd every store. And, being a helpless romantic (and a female), I love the idea of dedicating a day to celebrate the romantic love you have for another human. And I feel so very blessed to share such a beautiful day with an even more beautiful young man.
Jesse Wescott spoiled me rotten today. Since he did not have school, he biked to my school at the end of the day and surprised me with a beautiful rose and a precious heart balloon which he tied to the back of my bicycle. Not to mention that he was wearing one of my favorite outfits of his (navy blue button up, black skinny tie, gray cardigan, skinny jeans, and the boots I bought him for his birthday)! We then biked to downtown Fullerton to eat an amazing dinner at our favorite cafe, Rutabegorz. I had the chicken enchiladas verde, while he had the shrimp alfredo. It was delicious! It was at Rutas that I gave him my meager gift; a pair of pretty neato cufflinks that had belonged to my grandfather, and Jesse says he likes them. Yay! After we filled our tummies and had food babies, we meandered on over to Buffalo Exchange (yeah we practically live there) where he bought me a stunning dress which I will probably wear tomorrow, because I'm rather excited about it. We finished off the day of love with homemade strawberry shortcake at his house and watched the Jeopardy IBM Challenge (I'm kind of a Jeopardy nerd, even though I don't know any of the answers!). I felt so loved and cherished, and I am beyond thankful for Jesse. I don't think he understands how much he means to me, and I really do wish that I could adequately express the feelings I have for him in words, but no words would do them justice. Except of course, I love you, Jesse Wescott. And thank you for today, it was truly divine.

Picture Details:
1. The Love enjoying his dinner
2. Jesse's shrip alfredo
3. My chicken enchiladas (yummm!)
4. Me attempting to be cool
5. Me devouring my food like a beast
6. The Valentine's Day bow I made
7. The beautiful rose from the beautiful boyfriend
8. Cute lil balloon from Jesse
9. Really pretty dress Jesse bought me
I'd say that he is a keeper <3
-Valerie Joy