Oh I'm a terrible blogger. I really don't know why I haven't posted in so long. I have been rather busy, but blogging is something I have come to adore, and this Easter Sunday I realized just how much I truly missed it. Welcome home, Me. Anyway, here's a peer into what I have been up to these past...two months (oy it really has been a long time!).
He said yes <3
And we wore this :)
My new favorite shirt
Easter egg hunt
Boba <3
These are my siblings...we're an odd bunch.
"Here comes the smolder."
And as of April 19, I am seventeen years of age.
Oh yeah, and I got duct taped to a wall.
Just for fun.
And this is what I wore on this lovely Easter. It was quite gray out and a tad cold, but I couldn't resist the supremely girly combination this dress and these shoes made despite the lack of protection from the cold. I won't deny that I am unadulteratedly in love with these shoes and their five and a half inch heel. They are divine.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Buffalo Exchange
Shoes: Aldo courtesy of Lindsey Coberly
Happy Easter everyone. And it's good to be back.
-Valerie Joy
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