Now, dear readers, my lack of posts has not been due to my exceeding laziness. In fact, I have been internetless for about two weeks...two horribly long, excruciatingly painful weeks. You see, my three-toothed cat, Holly, decided that she wanted to have a bad case of cat throw up. She then decided to deposit that lovely gift right on our internet modem, which caused the hardrive to literally disenegrate. After three hours on the phone with the Verizon company, my father finally ordered a new modem. After a week, it had not arrived. So we called back and so it seems that someone had stolen our modem from our front porch. *sigh*. So it was another long week of inpatient waiting before the glorious modem FINALLY arrived! I was so happy at its arrival that I screamed "Thank God, I have internet again! I have never felt so civilized and connected to the world! My strange overwhelming longings to drag my knuckles on the floor and don a loin cloth have dissipated!" (I was quite proud of myself for coming up with that on the spot). And now, I can finally return to you and continue to share my love of fashion.
But I will confess, I got a tad lazy with picture taking the last couple days. So rather than posting dozens of pictures of outfits of the past two weeks, I shall share with you a smorgasbord of photographs of recent days that will hopefully give you a synopsis of the past half month. Do enjoy.Yes, these past two weeks have consisted of bike rides, cuddles with my cats, the most delicious milkshakes, a battle royale with my friend Ryan, and an instructional book on everything about cats. All in all, I would say it has been a good two weeks.
But wait!
There's more!
In my absence, I also had Winter Formal at my favorite place ever, the Aquarium of the Pacific! I wore the dress of my dreams, and Jesse looked oh so handsome! So naturally, I have even more pictures to share of one of my finest nights alive.
He is beautiful.
And Finally, I have pictures from my outfit today! So now I would consider myself back on track!
Outfit Details:
Shirt: French Connection via Buffalo Exchange
Skirt: Buffalo Exchange (a gift from the boyfriend)
Earrings: Buffalo Exchange
Bow: Handmade
Purse: Gryson for Target
It feels good to write again. I've missed this.
-Valerie Joy
you are beautiful(:(: <3